Südwesterlied - Hart wie Kameldornholz ist unser Land (3:24)21. Südtirolerlied - Riesige Berge, steile Felsenwand (3:18)20. Steirerlied - Hoch vom Dachstein an (0:48)19. Schwabenlied - Kennt ihr das Land in deutschen Gauen (2:22)18. Schleswig-Holstein-Lied - Schleswig Holstein, meerumschlungen (0:45)17. Kehr ich einst zur Heimat wieder (2:59)16. Salzburg Lied - Land uns'rer Väter (1:12)15. Saarlied - Deutsch ist die Saar (3:01)14. Pommernlied - Wenn in stiller Stunde (4:25)13. Pfälzerlied - Am deutschen Strom, am grünen Rheine (1:55)12. Ostpreußenlied - Land der dunklen Wäldern (2:22)11. Oberschlesierlied - Oberschlesien ist mein liebes Heimatland (3:11)10. Oberdonaulied - Hoamatland, Hoamatland! (1:53)9. Niedersachsenlied - Von der Weser bis zur Elbe (3:10)8. Kärntnerlied - Dort, wo Tirol an Salzburg grenzt (2:50)7. Frankenlied - Wohlauf, die Luft geht frisch und rein (3:03)6. Brandenburgerlied - Märkische Heide (1:13)5. Bayernlied - Gott mit dir, du Land der Bayern (2:25)4. Badner Lied - Das schönste Land in Deutschland´s Gau'n (2:18)3. Deutschland über alles (Men's Chorus) (3:25)2. Sample track "Deutschand über Alles" Track listing: 1 hour 18 minutes 1. This compilation contains a rare collection of tracks from the various regions of "Greater Germany" and as such contains many post-war tracks. Please see the track listing below and do not hesitate to ask any questions regarding this or further auctions. While these recordings are from the Period of German History from 1933-45, they are sold solely for educational and Historical purposes. Soldatenlieder Vol 1 is the first of 15 compact disc compilations, with future volumes to be listed shortly. These recording have been compiled in Europe and are now available in a limited quantity. The cd's in the Soldatenlieder and Deutsche Märsche collections offered represent a cost effective alternative to an original collection, without sacrificing a high standard of recording fidelity. This disc contains numerous post war recordings.the scarcity of the originals requires that these be included for their unique addition to the collection. As such, each 78 RPM record contain only 2 songs.a costly endeavor for even the most advanced collector. Each individual track is reproduced digitally for optimal clarity while still retaining the original warmth and tone from the analog recordings.many of these tracks are extremely rare and are unavailable other than in the original 78 RPM format.

Each CD contains a collection of tracks converted from original 1930's and 1940's era Shellac 78 rpm recordings from the European theater. 12 "Lieder deutscher Gaue" Over 75 minutes of original Historical recordings From The National Socialist and Second World War ERA. The Perfect Item For Re-enactors, Scholars and History Fans alike.